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 1. Edward J. Reiter  Four Basic Truths  Copyright, Mount Zion Fellowship 
 2. Truths I Know  Truths I Know  Truths I Know 
 3. Jonathan Daugherty & Stephen Cervantes  10 Truths About Men  Pure Sex Radio 2009 
 4. Harvey Bluedorn  7 Truths   
 5. Bhikkhu Bodhi  Four Noble Truths   
 6. Ajahn Prasert - Aug. 23, 2004  Four Noble Truths  IMC 
 7. Ajahn Prasert - Aug. 23, 2004  Four Noble Truths  IMC 
 8. Ajahn Prasert - Aug. 23, 2004  Four Noble Truths  IMC 
 9. Ajahn Prasert - Aug. 23, 2004  Four Noble Truths  IMC 
 10. Steve Armstrong  The Four Noble Truths  www.audiodharma.org 
 11. Steve Armstrong  The Four Noble Truths  www.audiodharma.org 
 12. Ajahn Prasert - Aug. 23, 2004  Four Noble Truths  IMC 
 13. Ven. Geshe Ngawang Dakpa  Two Truths 112705  Two Truths-Ultimate Truth and Conventional Truth 
 14. Cato Institute  Truths about Energy-11-27-07  Cato Institute Policy Forum 
 15. Gil  Four Noble Truths  IMC - January 10, 2005 
 16. Gil Fronsdal  Four Noble Truths  www.audiodharma.org 
 17. William Lane Craig  Are there Objective Truths?  European Leadership Forum 2004  
 18. Gil  Four Noble Truths  IMC - January 10, 2005 
 19. C Hendricks  Heavenly Truths  Ephesians 6 
 20. Steve Donaldson, Host  Inconvenient Truths  Thinking Out Loud Radio 
 21. Arditi  Profound Truths  Omne Ensis Impera  
 22. Arditi  Profound Truths  Omne Ensis Impera  
 23. Lee Ormiston  Three Truths for Living  Family Baptist Church 
 24. Alland Byallo  Flowering Truths   
 25. Dr. James R. Young III  Some Truths Concerning God's Will - Acts 16:1-10   
 26. Ajahn Prasert - Aug. 23, 2004  Four Noble Truths  IMC 
 27. Rev. Anthony David, Candidate for Senior Minister at UUCA  Four Noble Truths  UUCA - Sermons and Readings 
 28. Steve Armstrong  2009-08/13 Four Noble Truths  2009-08/07 IMSRC Insight and the Art of Equanimity http://www.dharma.org 
 29. Mark Coleman  2009-04/18 Four Noble Truths  2009-04/16 SR Vipassana for the Curious http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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